
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Color Progression

A continuation of MaccyF's request from TFMaps

So, yesterday, I made the first real article on this site in months, about players identifying team colors. Though MaccyF actually said that he wanted an article on Color Progression, or how team colors become more plentiful and prominent as you go deeper into their base.

Generally, the amount of color progression is very dependent on the gamemode. Symmetrical gamemodes like King of the Hill, Payload Race, Capture the Flag, and 5-CP Push generally have a lower amount of progression, as identifying what side you are on is important. Meanwhile, Attack/Defense, and Payload have a bigger increase of colors as you penetrate their base.

Badlands is a unique case, as it is a Symmetrical 5-CP Push, but it does have a good amount of Color Progression. As you can see, RED and BLU are separated by material choice, and nothing else. Their geometry is the exact same. Though as you can see, those materials are a grey metal and a brown wood.

Meanwhile, inside the team's Last, the colors become a bit more pronounced. The walls start showing a faded red, and the lighted signs also show team colors.

Why don't we return to Process? The team color become highly prominent right after Mid, as you can immediately tell what side you are on. Despite this, Process still has some Color Progression.

As you can see, Last adds computer consoles and signs all team colored.

Now let's look at an Asymmetrical map to see a bit more pronounced example.

Mountainlab is a 3-CP Attack/Defense map set, well, in a lab on a mountain. This is the first point, A. A shows us a few team colors, enough to know that RED owns the point. Though most the colors currently are Neutral.

B isn't a massive increase in the amount of red, but it does turn the point building to wood, and slap on a red roof. Though it does add some red to the surrounding areas.

C adds in the spytech theme to the mix, slapping around red tile walls and computer consoles. Players can tell this is a RED owned area, and they should be ready for enemy contact.

Alright, that should be the last thing on Colors for now.

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